Pollutec is one of the biggest international shows related to waste management. The 2013 edition, held in Paris, had a focus on South Korea as “invité d’honneur”. We organized the matchmaking during this show.




“Skill Up” : One day before show, we set a training day for Korean exhibitors : 2 senior consultants gave lectures, including market size for each participant, potential in Europe, legal aspects, joint-venture opportunities, etc.

“Investor Matchmaking”: Several exhibitors were seeking for financial partners in Europe. We organized a matchmaking event on the show, with investment funds, banks and major potential joint-venture partners.

“Site visits”: After show, we set a visit of drinkable water plant of Mery/Oise, one of the most innovative site operated by Veolia, and the waste water plant of Bonneuil en France, which has a cutting edge sludge management technology.

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